water jump videos

'99 WaterJump JAPAN Series Super Onemake Contest in HAKUBA

CHINESE National Aerial Team
Lay-Full mpg (106KB)
Full-Full mpg (169KB)
Full-Doble Full mpg (115KB)

trampoline videos
BackFlip    asf (38KB)    mpg (125KB)
FrontFlip    asf (23KB)
SideFlip    asf (43KB)    mpg (119KB)
720    asf (42KB)    mpg (154KB)
grab7    asf (29KB)    mpg (104KB)
misty5    asf (34KB)    mpg (109KB)
misty7    asf (41KB)    mpg (119KB)
rodeo7    asf (34KB)    mpg (114KB)

Please send any questions or comments to konagai ATMARK FreeStyleSki.club.ne.jp.

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